MOTS SLOW and gr_und are pleased to announce the launch of MOTS SLOW #5 on June 1rst, 2018, 6-11 pm
Participating artists:
Zabo Chabiland
Saskia Edens
Lorenza Mondada
Jérome Karsenti
(more tba)
The 2018 edition, “Fast(e)”, has a reflective dimension in that the theme is in contradiction with the very name of the magazine, Mots Slow. At its origin, the ambigram sought to amusingly situate the project into the philosophy of slowing down, as only one issue was planned for each year, nevertheless seeking to be well thought out and refined down to the smallest details.
Contributors from the Sciences and arts: Leïla Anvar, Abdelkader Benchamma, Dominique Brancher, Zabo Chabiland, Antoine D’Agata, Guillaume Deulleuse, Esther Ferrer, Emma-nuel Fort, Morena Fortino, Wendy Giardina, Marian Hobson, Jean-Yves Jouannais, Jérôme Karsenti, Jean Khalfa, Levan Manjavidze, Anders Modig, Lorenza Mondada, Mu Pan, Antoine Schmitt, Anne-Sophie Tritschler.
MOTS SLOW is a bilingual magazine published once a year, created in 2013 by Jérôme Karsenti, visual artist and author, and Dominique Brancher, professor of ancient French literature at the University of Basel.
The magazine puts together contributions of artists, researchers and academics in the fields of liberal arts and sciences to create an original piece, comprising a brochure and embedded posters. Each issue, with its unique graphic identity thanks to the work of graphic artist Anne-Sophie Trischler, is devoted to a specific theme, addressed by each contributor according to his or her discipline and imagination. How to make texts and images coming from different universes co-habitate, to produce a collection, which also enables a better understanding of each individual contribution? How to make one see, feel their interferences?
Through a sculptural fabrication of the magazine, the works are picked up, shaken and re-arranged, setting into motion a new creative process. Standard magazine formats were rejected from the very outset. Using different printing techniques (silkscreen or offset HUV), thinking of each new issue as a unique graphic and physical form, the magazine-phoenix is reborn every year, enriched by the experience of the prior year.
This issue of Mots with the theme of Fast(e), is inspired by the format of a calendar after The Fasti of Ovid. Different contributors are being invited: an international panel of specialists in literature, linguistics, molecular biology, writers and artists.
MOTS SLOW / Jérome Karsenti
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